Natuur CBD & THC Pain Stick


SKU: 16-59-2046
  • Availability: In Stock


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Martman 2022-01-08 12:54:37

I have terrible arthritis and have used THC to deal with my ongoing pain. Smoking has become less and less effective, but rubbing this stuff directly on my knee has been great. At this point I need a whole tool kit of remedies and am really glad to have found a weedbased alternative to Voltaran and other MegaCorp brands. Thanks Cheebas for another great product.

coverttech 2021-10-06 11:10:14

Very good. Even better than Icy hot.

Roxanne 2021-06-22 10:32:27

Ordered for my moms arthritis. Works like magic. Thank you.

Keirns 2022-03-28 12:26:25

This product works incredibly well, at least as effective as any pharmacy icy/hot muscle relief.